MMI Network News, Reports and Resources

Thanks. And farewell

Rock and roll, I gave you all the best years of my life … While you were changin’ your direction and you never even knew That I was…

Welcome to Alessandra Tisi

… and farewell to Thomas Schwarz Dear colleagues I am proud to announce that as of today, Alessandra Tisi is now officially the Executive…

Annual Report 2023 of the MMI Network

Provide input and guidance on a set of important cross-cutting issues Contents Message from the President Secretariat’s report…


A community of practice jointly hosted by the Networks MMS and MMI The project of this Community of Practice is rooted in the Study “Swiss NGOs…

MMI statement at WHO INB9: Safe workers save lives

Joint statement by World Medical Association and Medicus Mundi International Network and supported by Public Services International at the ninth…

MMI statement at the Special Session of the WHO Executive Board on the health situation in the occupied Palestinian territory

Dear chair, EB members and delegates Dear Dr Tedros and WHO staff As Executive Secretary of Medicus Mundi International – Network Health for All, I…

Swiss NGOs engaged in international health cooperation: How to respond to the call for decolonization?

Dear reader, Medicus Mundi Switzerland – Network Health for All mandated the authors with providing a report on how the civil society members of the…

New York, September 2023: Again, they want to “build a healthier world together”. Whoever believes it…

Photo: United Nations Photo/UN Photo/Rick Bajornas/; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Unfortunately, this year too there is little hope that key…

Launch of the WHO Civil Society Commission

The WHO Civil Society Commission is a new body launched by the Director-General of the World Health Organization in August 2023. The mandate of the…

Annual Report 2022 of the MMI Network

Speak out and amplify civil society voices Contents Message from the President Secretariat’s report Create, convene, and…

MMI statement at WHO INB5

Statement by the Executive Secretary of Medicus Mundi International – Network Health for All at the resumed fifth meeting on the WHO…


A COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE HOSTED BY THE MMI NETWORK Dear colleagues, We herewith invite you to join an emerging civil society community of practice…

MMI inputs to INB briefing and INB4

Statements by the Executive Secretary of Medicus Mundi International – Network Health for All at a briefing convened by Bureau of the WHO…

MMI input to INB3

Statements by the Executive Secretary of Medicus Mundi International – Network Health for All during the third meeting of the WHO…

“Our expectations are high…”

Comments on the working draft of the proposed “pandemic instrument”, in the follow-up of the second INB meeting Distinguished members…

Decolonizing Health in Africa

The task group Decolonizing Health in Africa was set up in 2021 by a group of individuals and organisations interested in decolonizing African…

Of cultivation and sovereignty…

Negotiating a pandemic treaty (part II) Some reflections related to section IV of the “working draft, on the basis of progress achieved, of a WHO…

Annual Report 2021 of the MMI Network

Create, convene and sustain… Dear Network members and partners, 2021 was the second year of the Covid-19 pandemic, a global health crisis…

In memoriam Sake Rijpkema

The Medicus Mundi International Network mourns the death of its former President Professor Sake Rijpkema (†11 June 2022). Most of you might not…

Wemos: Year overview 2021

“We are proud to present our year overview 2021! Last year, we managed to seize opportunities for global health, pushing for structural change…

Negotiating a pandemic treaty…

High time to end the compilation mode At  the “second resumed session” of their first meeting, on 6-8 June 2022, the members and the bureau of the…

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MMI Network News: Archives

MMI Network News are edited and distributed by e-mail by the secretariat of Medicus Mundi International. Network members (only) are kindly invited to send us your contributions.

You can get the MMI Network News by sending a simple “subscribe” message to the secretariat. Please conctact us also if you have received the newsletter by e-mail, but do not want to be included any more in our mailing list.

In order to retrieve all the newsletters sent from 1999 to date, please visit the page “Archives: MMI Network News”