Dear chair, EB members and delegates
Dear Dr Tedros and WHO staff

As Executive Secretary of Medicus Mundi International – Network Health for All, I do not have the words nor the mandate from our membership to provide an in-depth assessment or comment on the terrible news we daily get from Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory and mainly Gaza, including the reports delivered by the Secretariat today. On Human Rights Day 2023, all my thoughts are with the victims.

I attend this extraordinary session the WHO EB as representative of our Organization mainly to express our support and great appreciation to WHO, its leadership and staff, for your incredible efforts and courage to care, together with many other local and international health and humanitarian organizations, for the victims, to protect and support as much as possible the civil population and those who care for it and to sustain health and other basic services in this disastrous situation.

We are also grateful for your honest and eye-opening reports and testimonials, and for your resulting appeals to the military and political leaders which we fully endorse.

Thank you.
Thomas Schwarz

Statement as PDF: WHO EBSS7 MMI statement