The MMI Assembly took place again in the middle of “International Geneva”, close to the Palais des Nations where the 72nd World Health Assembly (WHA) met in the same week. This well-established arrangement allowed Network members to link their participation in the MMI Assembly with attending the WHA as a member of the MMI delegation; on the other hand WHA delegates were invited to join the MMI meeting as our guests.

For the second time, our Assembly and side event was hosted by the Global Health Centre of the Graduate Institute, at their Maison de la Paix, one of “the” places where people meet for WHA side events. This hospitality is much appreciated.

As in every year, our Assembly was the moment to discuss with our members and partners the achievements of the MMI Network in the past year and to look out into our future. We did this with confidence, at least regarding our strategy, activities and working groups.

See: MMI Annual Report 2018

As in the last year, the statutory part of the Assembly was complemented by other Network events in Geneva. The public event “Are NGOs spoiling our societies? Shrinking space for civil society organizations engaged in SRHR” organized by MMI in cooperation with the Global Health Centre of the Graduate Institute Geneva took place on Friday, 24 May and found considerable attention.

On Saturday, 25 May, the Assembly was followed by a public briefing and dialogue session on the preparation of the UN High-Level Meeting on UHC and on the Global Action Plan (GAP) for healthy lives and well-being for all (civil society assessments, priorities, positions, perspectives) and by a planning workshop of the MMI EHC working group.

The week of the 72nd World Health Assembly was again an important and extremely busy one for the MMI Network and its working groups and hosted projects, including an official side event on Thursday evening, 23 May, supported by Medicus Mundi International.

Public event after the MMI Assembly: UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (September 2019) and Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Wellbeing for All (GAP)

Geneva, The Graduate Instititute, Maison de la Paix
Saturday, 25 May 2019, 11:30-13.30 hrs

Briefing and dialogue session on the preparation of the UN High-Level Meeting on UHC and on the Global Action Plan (GAP) for healthy lives and well-being for all. The Network Medicus Mundi International is engaged in both processes, and both of them need and deserve our sustained attention.

In the briefing part of the meeting, the MMI Executive Secretary Thomas Schwarz provide introductions and report back from related hearings at the UN in New York. His introduction were followed by an open discussion (civil society assessments, priorities, positions, perspectives).

This informal briefing about the HLM and GAP was mainly intended for MMI Network members, close civil society colleagues and others who closely follow these processes. It was nice to see that some 30 “external” participants joines us. Thanks for your interest!

Inputs by Thomas Schwarz: PPT as PDF

72nd World Health Assembly and related events – MMI participation, events and contributions

  • Thursday, 23 May 19.00-19:50 hrs, Palais des Nations, Room IX
    Boosting community-led responses to reaching the most marginalized
    communities: from local communities, to primary health care to UHC

    Official WHA non-state actor side event, organized by Stichting Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+), supported by Medicus Mundi International. WHA registration required.
    Website: here
  • Friday 24 May 2019, 14.30-16.00 hrs at the Maison de la Paix
    Are NGOs spoiling our societies?
    Shrinking space for civil society organizations engaged in SRHR
    MMI side event to the World Health Assembly, hosted by the Global Health Centre, Graduate Institute, and co-organized by Cordaid and Medicus Mundi Switzerland
    Registration: here
  • Find an full overview here.