This year’s MMI Network meeting was hosted by Medicus Mundi Switzerland (MMS) and linked with the 14th annual Swiss Health Cooperation Symposium organized by MMS.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014: Symposium “Not without us!”: Youth and sexual and reproductive health in international cooperation

“It has now been twenty years since the International Conference on Population and Development (ICDP) in Cairo set new principles and criteria on sexual and reproductive health and rights. The ICDP exposed the fact that issues of population increase and social as well as economic growth can only be brought forward with a rights based approach.

Where do we stand 20 years after the Cairo Plan of Action, which tied together voluntary family planning, development policy and the strengthening of women’s rights? There are still 220 Million women worldwide who do not have access to birth control and 25% of girls in southern Africa still leave school due to unwanted pregnancies. It is clear that we are still facing severe obstacles hindering access to sexual and reproductive health services.

At this year’s symposium we will be addressing these obstacles and emphasising that the results of Cairo 1994 are still of utmost importance to international health cooperation.

At the centre of our discussions we have set young people, who are the key group we need to be working with in order to improve health for women and girls, mothers and children. Which obstacles do we need to overcome in order to grant youth’s access to health services? How should health services for sexual and reproductive health be modelled in order to be more youth-friendly? What kind of social environment is required for youths themselves to be able to stand up for their right to health?”

This year’s Swiss Health Cooperation Symposium was organized by Medicus Mundi Switzerland in collaboration with Medicus Mundi International – Network Health for All, and part of MMI’s annual Network meeting (5-6 November).


Thursday, 6 November 2014: MMI Assembly and Workshop

The Extraordinary Assembly of the MMI Network workshop on the development of the Network Strategy 2015+ took place at the hotel Bildungszentrum 21 in Basel. Together with the symposium, a walk over the Basel autumn fair and a dinner for Network members and invited guests on Wednesday completed the event.