This NGO Research Tool Box was developed by Nicole Moran as part of a Master Thesis in International Health at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute and in coordination with the Medicus Mundi International Network.

“Most of the supportive resources for NGOs are available online, but are fragemented and many different websites have to be consulted. This online toolbox is a first step to combine the different resources and to support NGOs to integrate research into their work. The focus is also on collecting and summarizing up to date quality relevant evidence for NGOs per topic (which is already out there but not in one spot) as well as providing the opportunity for exchange and collaboration with Research Institutes. It is envisaged to further develop and to invest more resources into this web-based platform to allow NGO workers to get a quick, up to date and user-friendly overview on existing evidence and other supportive tools to integrate research into their work or to collaborate with Research Institutes.”

Why would you use the Toolbox?

You are a busy health worker wanting to:

  • Measure the impact of your programs
    But you don’t know how to build the necessary structures and systems
    And you don’t want to re-invent the wheel
  • Translate your findings into policy & practice
    But you don’t know how to start
  • Design evidence-based health programs
    But where do you find the latest evidence without wasting too much time
  • Collaborate with a Research Institute
    But where will you find a suitable partner
    And what steps do you have to take for a successful collaboration