Download the results of the surveys by DWA Cuamm on coverage, quality and equity of health services as PDF files:

“We continue to work towards strengthening healthcare systems, which has become our key strategy for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (Strategic Plan 2008/2015). In particular, maternal and neonatal mortality are considered to be indirect indicators of healthcare system functioning in terms of service coverage, equity and quality of services.

This is why Doctors with Africa Cuamm has, practically and operationally, decided to concern itself primarily, but not exclusively, with maternal and child health through its various programmes and projects. The poor results achieved in Africa in the field of mother-child care have prompted the United Nations General Assembly, held last 22nd September in New York, to launch a global strategy for mother and child health centred on the healthcare system: the continuum of care and primary care at district level (hospital, peripheral health network, families and communities). This confirms that the choice made in 2008 was the right one. Now we have to work intensely to adjust and improve the tools and methods used in our interventions.” Dante Carraro, Mothers and children first, 2011