For many countries and societies struggling with access to health and health equity, aid is still a challenging reality, and this reality needs to be examined and acted on: What’s wrong with “health aid” and its actors, structures, paradigms and policies, methods and processes, and how can the failures and shortcomings of aid be challenged and addressed? The Kampala Initiative seeks to create attention and traction for a critical civil society analysis and proposals on how to advance cooperation and solidarity within and beyond aid.

The Kampala Workshop

A civil society workshop at the Fairway Hotel, Kampala on 15-16 November 2019 created a space for sharing, strategizing and initiating joint civil society action on how to advance cooperation and solidarity within and beyond aid. For two full days 25 invited experts, practitioners and activists used this space for intensive debate and group work. Ahead of the workshop, confirmed participants formed four working groups, each of them focusing on a challenging subtopic/theme (see here). A particular case was then selected by every group for the workshop itself in view of sharing and deepening assessments and planning concrete civil society action.

The workshop concluded with the unanimous assessment by all participants to continue working together on the selected cases and to sustain and expand the Kampala Initiative. Concrete next steps will be planned both by the four thematic working groups and the core team of the Kampala Initiative.

  • Concept note Kampala Initiative and Workshop: Download PDF

More about the Kampala Initiative

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