THURSDAY 31 AUGUST 2023, 15.00-16.00 CEST

A group of civil society organizations and platforms/networks led by the Global Climate and Health Alliance (GCHA) is engaged in the process towards the negotiation and adoption of a resolution on climate change and health at the 77th World Health Assembly in May 2024. The civil society team developed a concept note outlining key elements of a possible resolution.

In an open discussion meeting on 31 August 2023 hosted by the Community of Practice on Climate Change and Health, a representative of the Global Climate and Health Alliance provided an update on the resolution project, the state of shaping civil society input/narrative, and on how to engage. The input and following discussion were guided by a set of guiding questions, as follows:

  • State and perspectives of the resolution project: What steps need to be undertaken to have a resolution on climate change and health adopted by the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA77) in May 2024? Why to have such a resolution – what would be its added value for addressing the issues of climate justice and health? Based on experiences with other WHA resolutions and resolution projects, what impact can be realistically expected from it? Related to the negotiation of the resolution by the WHO member states, are there any risks and unwanted side-effects?
  • State and perspectives of shaping civil society input: Assessing the concept note shared by the civil society proponents of the WHA77 resolution (July 2023, with policy background; climate change and health linkages, proposed action points for WHO member states and the Secretariat): Are you happy with the narrative and demands? Compared with your background and expectations, what elements are particularly relevant? Any blind spots, missing links, misconceptions?
  • Civil society engagement in the making of the resolution, and how to join in: What opportunities are there for civil society to contribute to the framing and negotiation of the WHA77 resolution? What are concrete next steps? How to contribute and join the civil society team at this stage, if you are not yet a member?

Meeting documentation

How to engage in the civil society team
that promotes the WHA77 Resolution

  • Join the group’s mailing list and monthly calls
  • Sign on to the concept note welcome
  • Share comments on the concept note – it will be updated again later this year
    Contact: Jess Beagley, GCHA,

*The open discussion meeting (15.00-16.00 CEST) was followed by a short community meeting (for members mainly: communications, institutional matters, planning).

Next open discussion meeting on 25 September 2023, starting 15.00 CEST
Assessing the vestiges of coloniality within the discourse on climate and health justice

Find here more information about the community of practice Climate Change and Health  hosted by the MMI Network and how to become a member.