WHO consultation meeting. The Sixty-fifth World Health Assembly requested the WHO Secretariat to present a draft policy paper on WHO’s engagement with nongovernmental organizations to the Executive Board at its 132nd session in January 2013. As a step in developing this draft policy WHO was consulting NGOs on issues concerning consultation, collaboration and accreditation.

Remco van de Pas (Wemos) and Thomas Schwarz (secretariat) participated in that consultation meeting as representatives of the Medicus Mundi International Network and part of the Democratizing Global Health coalition on the WHO reform (DGH). The meeting in the WHO EB room, chaired in a first session by WHO DG Margaret Chan, was intensive, providing common ground for improving modalities of NGO’s accreditation to WHO governing body meetings, but also exposed the diverging positions of NGOs with commercial interests/links and those without such interests and links.

Consultation “Towards a new policy of WHO engagement with NGOs” in Geneva, 18 October 2012: see report, draft agenda, issues paper (remarkable!), WHO presentation and speech of WHO DG Dr Margaret Chan.