The International Health Policies Network (IHP Network) of the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp (ITM) is glad to join the MMI Network.

The aim of the network is to boost the influence of scholars from the Global South on the global health agenda, with a focus on young health policy & systems researchers – aka “Switching the Poles”. Main activities include:

  • knowledge management, particularly towards providing a trusted source of curated health policy “news” and key global health & HPSR publications;
  • offering a platform for blogs and articles, especially for authors from low-and-middle income countries;
  • networking with other global health actors.

The weekly International Health Policies (IHP) newsletter (English) and fortnightly Politiques Internationales de Santé (PIS) (in French, and an output of the Health Services Delivery Community of Practice) are key outputs of the Network and support the knowledge management and networking pillars of the Network. As mentioned, the IHP Network also aims to boost synergies with actors and networks from the south with a similar agenda and values. It is a key stakeholder in the Emerging Voices program, often playing an active role in supporting young researchers from the South in sharing their work and experiences across platforms and at the HSR symposia.

Members of the Network are encouraged and supported towards networking opportunities, particularly in engaging in global and regional conferences, workshops or networking events.

Communication by the ITM IHP Network, February 2017