CWGH | “We extend our condolences to the families of the more than 20,000 people affected by the Novel Coronavirus that has claimed more than 425 lives. We wish to express solidarity with those working and living in areas affected by the Coronavirus. We acknowledge the dedication of governments, health care workers, civil society organisations and concerned individuals struggling to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, treat those with Coronavirus, support their family and friends and contain the spread of the disease. We acknowledge the sacrifices being made and unfaltering service in extremely challenging conditions with limited resources.

Recognising the importance of community participation is vital in dealing with epidemics. We call on governments to recognize the rights of communities to participate in the response of health crises such as Coronavirus. We also call on governments and global organisations to recognize and facilitate community participation through relevant policy and legislation and resource community participation in health systems. The current epidemic is not only of the Chinese government and the affected countries but requires a global response.
Clearly, the time is right for stronger, more informed and more authoritative community participation in the health sector. It is not simply the health systems itself which is at stake from the threat of a global Coronavirus outbreak, but the health of the whole nations, today and for the future.

We would like to urge the government of Zimbabwe to immediately commence robust education awareness campaigns and provide accurate information to its citizens about the infectious Coronavirus. It is undeniable that the current broken health delivery system makes Zimbabwe very vulnerable should the virus spread into this country. The government should increase its funding to health, and focus the spending on preventing disease.”

Source: Community Working Group on Health CWGH (via e-mail communication to MMI)